But wait, in php, an array can handle multiple arrays, that its not the same of a multidimensional array! care! That its the better in this special case of this article!
I mean: an array inside an array! and the values and key of those arrays can be any type.. great!
In java, ther's some difficulty, a collection its the only way to do that and there's another, only one type of values can handle in a collection.
Unfortunatelly in Gambas its more harded yet: must be collections and must iterate twice to handle values in.
An Example:
..lets get simple: a registry "order" that have many "products" so :
In java, there's DAO objects, but with collections, and in php more easy, only an array in array!
The Data example:
* Main object: object (1 element with many attrs) and one of those attrs, its the cod_contenido , of the products of the order* Second objects: attr:cod_contenido-> (object with many elements, and each element many atrrs)
|----------------------------- |
| ORD101 |
|----------------------------- |
| cod_orde:101 |
| des_order:description bla bl|--------------------------- -|
| cod_contents:1011 | CON1011 |
|----------------------------- |----------------------------|
| cod_product:101, |
| cod_order:101, |
| can_product:2 |
| cod_product:102 |
| cod_order:101 |
| can_product:12 |
The make it on php:
In php only has to convert to array each recordset and then iterate each element,, the trick that makes php easy to use its that in the interesting key "cod_contenido" we can stop, iterate again and put inside the main array.. lets see:$conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
$orders = "SELECT * FROM almorder WHERE cod_order = '001'";
$ordersproducts = "SELECT * FROM alorderproducts WHERE cod_order = '001'";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $orders);
foreach($result as $keyname => $valuename)
$orderarray[$keyname] = $valuename;
if ( $keyname == 'cod_contenido' )
$resultdet = mysqli_query($conn, $ordersproducts);
foreach($resultdet as $keynamedet => $valuenamedet)
$orderdetail[$keynamedet] = $valuenamedet;
$orderarray[$keyname] = $valuename;
The make it on Gambas:
In gambas there's quite more complicated due inside the key name, we will have and reference, an the real value will be another object, in php we can access directly no matter if are other king of data, in gambas we must iterate for each object that will put in collection:orders = "SELECT * FROM almorder WHERE cod_order = '001'";
ordersproducts = "SELECT * FROM alorderproducts WHERE cod_order = '001'";
rset = $conexion.Exec(orders)
For Each rset
columnas = New Collection(gb.IgnoreCase)
For Each hField In rset.Fields
columnas.Add(hField.Name), rset[hField.Name])
if ( Comp(hField.Name, "cod_contenido") == 0 ) then
rsetdet = $conexion.Exec(ordersproduts)
filasdet = New Collection(gb.IgnoreCase)
For Each rsetdet
columnasdet = New Collection(gb.IgnoreCase)
For Each hFieldet In rsetdet.Fields
columnasdet.Add(hFieldet.Name), rsetet[hFieldet.Name])
filasdet.Add(columnaset, rset!cod_contenido)
columnas.Add(filasdet, "cod_contenido")
filas.Add(columnas, rset!cod_despacho)
In the mail list the error was stupid, a typo in the line that added the "cod_contenido" object to the main collection object.. was added the same eveer!
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