Samba, hasta donde yo me entere, usa una funcion comun de acceso a posisionamiento en el sistema de ficheros.. y al parecer en dicha funion, existai un bug desde hace 20 anos en el kernel de los UNIX y FreeBSD.
Samba, as far as I know, uses a common function for access positioning in the filesystem .. and apparently in that funion, was existed a bug since 20 years ago in the kernel of UNIX and FreeBSD.
Pondre notas de si afecta a linux 2.2, 2.4 y 2.6 en los proximo dias!
I 'll put notes if affects linux kernels 2.2, 2.4 and 2.6 in few days!
Samba, as far as I know, uses a common function for access positioning in the filesystem .. and apparently in that funion, was existed a bug since 20 years ago in the kernel of UNIX and FreeBSD.
Pondre notas de si afecta a linux 2.2, 2.4 y 2.6 en los proximo dias!
I 'll put notes if affects linux kernels 2.2, 2.4 and 2.6 in few days!
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