Microsoft formally added its name to the EU's antitrust investigation against Google, jajajaj, WHAT? How many times MS have used its power agains copetition? and now go cry for google competition? Oh please!! come on! For instance, Microsoft says that it wants a specialized YouTube app on Windows Phone!, serious?, i hope Google dont make sense of these! Apple's iPhone and phones running Google's Android platform have a specilited app for view youtube and like viedos on network. But Google won't give Microsoft access to the same information that it gives Apple and Android, so Microsoft was forced to release a YouTube "app" as a browser displaying the mobile version of YouTube's Web site. So .. why MS dont do that in the past, wiht browsers, and many more . . Oh well, but there's more: Microsoft admits the "irony" in filing an antitrust claim -- its first ever -- after suffering through years of investigations and oversights by the E...
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