When try to recover data, untouch the disk its very important, but live disk or mount readonly are not enought, due journaling features... so precautions must be taken to property make images of the disk after testing data or try to recover those important files.. the untouched data its important to preciceslly maketrace of history of ... SPANISH VERSION: https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!topic/vegnuli/Lr-corc2Xrw (with updates) The Journaling file system will always touch the data When mounting (and unmounting) several journaling file systems with only "-o ro" mount flag a different number of data writes will happened, thats happened due journaling, so this its a list of options that must be use when preform the mount command and u must passed with "-o" flag: File system When data writes happen Notes Ext3/Etx4 File system requires journal recovery To disable recovery: use "noload" flag, or use "ro,loop" flags, or use "ext2...
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