General Information: Now starting the ideas, today middle 2007 year, linux need a new order in software reorganization, need a new way of users introductory, and a realy nessesary support on gamming and emulation.. now, on 2007 two persons begin the future of multimedia in linux platforms: VENENUX GNU/Linux and VENENUX Massenkoh |
VENENUX es un linux que tiene mucho contenido multimedia, y claro, hay cientos de linux, este corre en maquinas viejas como nuevas, tiene cinelerra y mupen64plus ya instalado, soporta TODOS LOS FORMATOS DE audio/video, detecta tarjetas de captura y la version oficial SOLO TIENE PAQUETES GNU OFICIALES, es el linux multimecdia.
Su principal caracteristica es la combinacion de multimedia y rendimiento, originalmente pensado para multimedia exclusivamente y soporte de maquinas antiguas, la tecnologia lo obligo a avanzar y subir tanto en sus requerimientos (300MHz y 256Mb RAM) como en su trascendencia, haciendolo nacional (Venezuela) asi como internacional (descargas en toda habla hispana).
VENENUX is a linux that has a lot of multimedia content, and of course, there are hundreds of Linux, but this runs on old and new hardware as same, has already installed cinelerra and mupen64plus; supports all formats of audio/video files; configures at boot video capture cards and the official version comes ONLY WITH GNU PACKAGES; is the multimecdia linux. Its main feature is the combination of multimedia and performance, originally designed for multimedia and support exclusively old machines, the technology forward and forced him to climb in their requirements (300MHz and 256Mb RAM) and its significance, making it national (Venezuela) as well as international (downloads throughout Spanish-speaking). http://venenuxorg/descargas/vnz06-packages/
massenkoh es el nombre codigo clave para los paquetes especiales y desarrollo pero que son opensource de uso, y codigo abierto, estan en massenkoh, massenkoh tambien esta orientado a un mas estable y vieja version de los mismos, y mas rapida ejecucion que VENENUX debido a que es mas agressivo y algunos trucos en un kernel completo con debian y kde distintos! massenkoh linux es entregado personalmente pero ya es descargable al publico en el blog de venenux esta la noticia y aqui massenkoh la primera liberacion de paquetes fue solo para sarge, pero si deseeas paquetes para etch o lenny, muy pronto a finales de mes se libera dos repositorios nuevos. Firts VENENUX repository (old): The venenux repository comes with games, and emulators, and some firts etch intel, via and ait modules for newer cards on etch. Now this packages are obsolete for etch and VENENUX, bu some still works better than oficialed on debian repositoris!!! Firts massenkoh repository: The massenkoh repository here, was closed due problems accesing server ftp, some day ago, a can acces anymore and so! Then thats all for my repos! i not have any more other place to put my 16Gb of sarge/etch/lenny powered packages!!! Packages for this old repo are all emulations, all iso converters, multimedia packages, qt4 and qt3 updates for sarge, cevel micro packages for all posible and pascal and pic ide graphic tools!
massenkoh its the codename for special and development packages, the packages that are opensource but has some special limits, are on massenkoh, massenkoh also are oriented to more stable and agresive version of packages, and more faster than VENENUX due a optimized version of kernel and some hinds on kde and debian dist use. massenkoh linux its delivery only personaly for PICCORO, but now are donwloable for public users! search here for links massenkoh packages first release are only for sarge, but if u dessire packages for etch and lenny , please waith for a new repo soon at end of month. Firts VENENUX repository: The venenux repository comes with games, and emulators, and some firts etch intel, via and ait modules for newer cards on etch. Now this packages are obsolete for etch and VENENUX, bu some still works better than oficialed on debian repositoris!!! Firts massenkoh repository: The massenkoh repository here, was closed due problems accesing server ftp, some day ago, a can acces anymore and so! Then thats all for my repos! i not have any more other place to put my 16Gb of sarge/etch/lenny powered packages!!! Packages for this old repo are all emulations, all iso converters, multimedia packages, qt4 and qt3 updates for sarge, cevel micro packages for all posible and pascal and pic ide graphic tools!
Firts massenkoh based: |
Kdeaddons emulationm suite on massenkoh |
massenkoh packages on xandros: |
Mupen64 emulation first try: |
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