MySQL was bought by Oracle and since then almost any Linux distribution switch with MariaDB so, today to use MySQL you need extra repositories or compiled by yourself! Inclusivelly XAMP/LAMP shit comes now with MAriaDB only! So then, why stats in almost any bussines report and git developent places (like gitlab or github) reports that MySQL are most used?
Since MySQL was owed by Oracle, MariaDB now are the most included in any previously related!
A similar movement happened with OpenOffice (when Sun was sell), but that time Oracle couldn't prepare itself, the community acted so fast, forking the code in LibreOffice that the company didn't know what to do with OpenOffice, was forgotten, and the code, that had so much control from Oracle but no developers from original core team, was given up, that is, they didn't control anything cos was not prepared.
But with MySQL these were not taken unawares, and once acquired, they began to take measures, with the lesson learned, when they noticed that the code forked as MariaDB they began to take seriously the development, this is noticed in the fast way that it takes increasing from 5.5 to 5.6 and 5.7. and more aggressive lately when they jump from 5.7 to 8.0 strongly.
But they were also taken by surprise, the linux community, now in all major distributions only provides MariaDB
So the history so far...
MAriaDB emerged as a challenging response to Oracle's attitude controlling MySQL server, the long etc community, the rookie toy, the database for coffee makers and schools. Since then, the code base was 5.1, they released the MariaDB 5.3 which is actually almost equal to Mysql 5.5; since the MariaDB 5.5 version which is almost equal to 5.6, their version scheme starts at 10 (which is actually the MySQL protocol).
Now Oracle noticed this and strongly uses other products to forces MySQL usage and divert MariaDB, take this at the newer versions of MySQLworkbench suite:
Oracle noticed this and strongly uses other products to forces MySQL usage and divert MariaDB
MySQLworkbench suddenly jumps from 6.3 to 8.0, it's not compatible MariaDB.
The proprietary TOAD suite is now compatible with MySQL, but not MariaDB.
From this point, it started the current problem of its differences, in the beginning MariaDB only took the best of MySQL and re implemented it with improvements, almost always at the same time of the development part, given an illusion of being very ahead (when in fact they were with the unstable version of MySQL, since they only synchronized the unstable versions to be ahead).
In the forums there are already related topics like in,683935,683935 of course this is a lot of stupid windosers.. who run two click applications, but the answers from the developers are "just work for me".
This "protocol incompatibility" is just a political way of saying "I won't let you connect to mariadb, and you user: if you want to... use mysql"
The bug in the report is where the error Wrong or unknown protocol is always mentioned and appreciated, if you try to connect using the Workbench.
1 - What about MariaDB vs Mysql
It's more a matter of compatibility and secure support than performance and features... and it depends if there is a purely business and support "zero concern" approach:
MySQL being Oracle's, it sets connection pool limits if you don't buy a license, MariaDB has a large connection pool, more than 200,000 connections, while MySQL has a smaller connection pool if it's not licensed.
However, MariaDB doesn't support data masking or dynamic columns while MySQL supports it; furthermore, MariaDB although it has 12 new storage engines these are very new, MySQL's are less but widely known and tested.
In terms of performance, MariaDB is only a little (little, take note.. just little) bit faster than MySQL because MySQL implements more enterprise features but this is only noticeable by using these many features.
2 - What is MysqlWorkbench?
What is MySQL Workbench? It's the only tool at the same level of features and professionalism as TOAD, MS-SQLserver Center or Sybase Center, its advantages are too many: hot editing of a query; table spatial view; graphical management; inverse engineering and reverse engineering of database structures; even, in opensource it's the only open source tool that does all these things that make them proprietary ones.
mysqlworkbench.. the complete DBMS tool but only works with MySQL DB engines
3 - Conclusion
This brought some benefits:
- Dynamic and active development
- Evolutionary approach: new features
- Installation options such as deb, rpm, etc
He also brought back refusals:
- More unstable development due to competition
- Loss of stable focus
- Difficulty of integration with tools
If you want to work with compatible tools, always use MySQL.
If you want to work with what is offered use MariaDB which at least in production deployment is equal to MySQL.
Only stupid windozers and bad programmers will suffer... your business remains the same if you use MariaDB.
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