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nodejs right way to made daemon services

.. do you use node server command? dont use shitty containers for stupid windosers? foudn a so dumb stupid unit files in stackoverflow and cannot made a right well made unit service? ok i have it ! check this entry and use this right made scritps in your servers.. all the code is CC-BY-SA licensed by the way.. i provide script unit files for SHITstemd, sysvinit, openrc and some more.. 

Why runing as service, why not docker?

Please, i will skip stupid questions, you can runs several docker containers in team to provide a big service, but docker is just a toy with limits.. big deploys just use bare metals.. 

Why not just send to background the service with noup etc etc?

The system must control the daemons.. such daemons must be then i also skip several stupid questions.. 

Take in consideration the name of the script (nodeapp) vs the executable (nodejs)?

The service is run by nodejs/node but the app is not nodejs, in this example will be called "nodeappp", the process manager will show "/usr/bin/node server index.js".. but the thread will be "nodeapp", change the nodeapp name with your app node project, but your path must be also named as is... so then

  1. The application name is nodeapp
  2. base parent directory of your application web is /var/lib/node
  3. working directory base of your application web then is /var/lib/node/nodeapp
  4. entry point of your application web is index.js
  5. the web application will run as normal user, by www-data user


This is pretty versatile, but also so inflexible, you can made a derived from this script unit file and run several different apps with same unit file using "@" etc etc, but the permission checks are handled separately and this is not so good.. for you not for the system.. by example it does not implement reloading in well way.. so log file must be use the append way and just cutting off by logrotate. Of course, shitstemd already manages their own logging but that is not in sync with the application ..

If you try to search will find that most of the sites argin to use "simple" type and do not managed fail tolerant down, we managed restarting in fails here!

put i on as /usr/lib/systemd/system/nodeapp.service with:

After = mysql.service maridb.service
Wants =

Environment = NODE_ENV=production
ExecStart = /usr/bin/node server index.js
Restart = on-failure
RestartSec = 900ms
User = www-data
Group = www-data
WorkingDirectory = /var/lib/node/nodeapp
SyslogIdentifier = nodeapp
StandardOutput = append:/var/log/nodeapp.log

WantedBy =

WARNING append log only works with systemd>230 if not just send to syslog and later separate it with a syslogrc rule

USING OPENRC init system

Openrc cannot handle management of fault tolerant like shitstemd, but it has the great "supervise-daemon", we then provide two flavors, the first one the most common you will find in stupid sites like statoverflow, the second one.. using the powerfully "supervise-daemon".

Openrc is default on Geento and also used in alpine linux and BSD systems, just put the unit script as path /etc/init.d/nodeapp



name = nodejsapp
command = "/usr/bin/node"
command_user = "www-data"
command_args = "server index.js"
command_background = yes
directory = "/var/lib/node/${RC_SVCNAME}"
pidfile = "/run/nodejs/${RC_SVCNAME}.pid"
output_log = "/var/log/${RC_SVCNAME}.log"

depend() {
  use logger dns
  need net
  after firewall mysql postgresql

start_pre() {
    checkpath -d --owner $command_user:www-data --mode 0775 /var/lib/node
    checkpath -d --owner $command_user:www-data --mode 0775 /var/lib/node/${RC_SVCNAME}
    checkpath --file --owner $command_user:www-data --mode 0644 /var/lib/node/${RC_SVCNAME}.log

This will run a simpel node app, but in next we will use a real practice new software, wikijs with openrc and supervise-daemon, lest remembered that this script is CC-BY-SA

USING OPENRC + supervise-daemon

This was tested with production made wikijs on some companies, the service was runnig for many weeks, and the reload command is much superior rather than the shitstemd counterpart that is not well managed.

Here the app web name changed from "nodeapp" to "wikijs", there is no index.js but still a web app base directory that changes from /var/lib/node to /srv/web and the app dir path then is /srv/web/wikijs , the fault tolerant part will be managed by the powerfully supervise-daemoon that will be the real father of the running process, so the script will change from /etc/init.d/nodeapp to /etc/init.d/wikijs as:



name = wikijs
command = "/usr/bin/node"
command_user = "wikijs"
command_args = "server"
directory = "/srv/web/${RC_SVCNAME}"
pidfile = "/run/${RC_SVCNAME}.pid"
output_log = "/srv/web/wikijs/${RC_SVCNAME}.log"
error_log = "/srv/web/wikijs/error.log"
retry = ${GRACEFUL_TIMEOUT:-60}

supervisor = supervise-daemon
supervise_daemon_args = "--env NODE_ENV='${NODE_ENV:-production}' --chdir '${WORK_DIR:-/srv/web/wikijs}' --stdout '${LOG_FILE:-/srv/web/wikijs/wikijs.log}' --stderr '${LOG_FILE:-/srv/web/wikijs/error.log}'"
respawn_delay = 90
respawn_max = 6

extra_started_commands = "reload"

depend() {
  use logger dns
  need net
  after firewall mysql postgresql
reload() {
  ebegin "Truncationg ${RC_SVCNAME} log files, please restart if you want only"
    checkpath -F --owner $command_user:www-data --mode 0644 /srv/web/wikijs/${RC_SVCNAME}.log
    checkpath -F --owner $command_user:www-data --mode 0644 /srv/web/wikijs/error.log
  eend $?
start_pre() {
    checkpath --directory --owner $command_user:www-data --mode 0775 /srv/web/wikijs
    checkpath --file --owner $command_user:www-data --mode 0644 /srv/web/wikijs/${RC_SVCNAME}.log
    checkpath --file --owner $command_user:www-data --mode 0644 /srv/web/wikijs/error.log
stop_pre() {
    sleep 2
stop_post() {
    if [ "${RC_CMD}" == "restart" ] ; then
        einfo "Waith for sync... "
        sleep 1

No lest see how is using sysvinit the most complex but the most ancient and simple to modify and tune it.


This version will use the start-stop-daemon already present with Alpine linux and debian based distros, this means that you can add "-1 $LOGFILE -2 $LOGFILE" to manage loggin, for a distro agnostic please use telegram venenux groups for more.

This script was tested in Debian wheeze and Devuan daealus also.. so just works.

# Provides:          nodeapp
# Required-Start:    $remote_fs $named $syslog
# Required-Stop:     $remote_fs $named $syslog
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: nodeapp web
# Description:       web applications server by nodejs

DESC="intranet nodeapp server"

[ -x "$DAEMON" ] ||  { echo "can't find Node.js ($DAEMON)"  >&2; exit 0; }
[ -d "$PIDWDIR" ] || { mkdir -p -m 770 $PIDWDIR; }
[ -d "$WORKDIR" ] || { mkdir -p -m 770 $WORKDIR; }
[ -f "$LOGFILE" ] || { touch $LOGFILE; }
[ -r /etc/default/$NAME ] && . /etc/default/$NAME

. /lib/lsb/init-functions

    start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --chuid $NODEUSER --pidfile $PIDFILE  --background --chdir $WORKDIR --exec $DAEMON --test > /dev/null \
    || { [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg  "Daemon already running $DESC" "$NAME"; return 1; }
    start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --chuid $NODEUSER --make-pidfile --pidfile $PIDFILE --background --no-close --chdir $WORKDIR --exec $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_ARGS >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 \
    || { [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg  "could not be start $DESC" "$NAME" ; return 2; }
    [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg  "started $DESC" "$NAME"

    start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --retry=TERM/30/KILL/5 --pidfile $PIDFILE --chdir $WORKDIR --chuid $NODEUSER --name $DAEMON
    [ "$RETVAL" = 2 ] && return 2
    start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --retry=0/3/KILL/5 --pidfile $PIDFILE --chdir $WORKDIR --chuid $NODEUSER --exec $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_ARGS
    [ "$?" = 2 ] && return 2
    rm -f $PIDFILE
    [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && [ "$RETVAL" = 1 ] && log_daemon_msg "$DESC not running" "$NAME"
    [ "$VERBOSE" != no -a "$RETVAL" = 0 ] && log_daemon_msg "$DESC stopped" "$NAME"
    return "$RETVAL"

do_reload() {
    return 0

do_status() {

    if [ -f $PIDFILE ]; then
      ispidactive=$(pidof $DAEMON | grep `cat $PIDFILE 2>&1` >/dev/null 2>&1)
        case "$?" in
            0) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_success_msg "$NAME is running";;
            1) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_success_msg "$NAME is not running";;
            2) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_success_msg "$NAME is runing orphaned, you must kill";;
      log_success_msg "$NAME is not running and no zomby detected as $USER, of $NAME found"
      exit 3

case "$1" in
    [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC" "NAME"
    case "$?" in
    0|1) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 0 ;;
    2) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 1 ;;
    [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC" "$NAME"
    case "$?" in
    0|1) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 0 ;;
    2) [ "$VERBOSE" != no ] && log_end_msg 1 ;;
    log_daemon_msg "Restarting $DESC" "$INIT_SCRIPT_NAME_NOEXT"
    case "$?" in
    case "$?" in
        0) log_end_msg 0 ;;
        1) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Old process is still running
        *) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Failed to start
        # Failed to stop
    log_end_msg 1
    echo "Usage: $NAME {start|stop|restart|status}" >&2
    exit 3

exit 0


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(ACTUALIZADO) la pagina fue reestablecida hay muchos cambios pero los usuarios no lo notaran, para verlos o informacion haz click aqui rusnies cambios y consejos para verlos 1) primer dia no se pudo hacer login, ni recuperando password! 2) segundo dia (mas abajo) al fin logeado! 3) para poder aunquesea ver tu planilla, pulsa aqui: planilla rusnies, soluciones algunas! 4)y aqui: tercer dia, algunos detalles arreglado, pero... todos los defectos son algo raros! -si no puedes entrar lee mas abajo, se explica porque y como acceder a tu cuenta en el R.U.N.E.S. -ojo quiero aclarar que un monton de inutiles no ingresaban bien la direccion y por ello no llegaban a ver nunca la pagina! porque ponian la "gov" en vez de "gob" ya que el pedazo de periodico no sabe escribir! 1) Primer dia del R.U.N.I.E.S. : (powered by apache+php+debian, pero estupidizado por los TSU y ingenieros informaticos graduados, que creen saber de programacion!) Cuan triste es ver m...

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El miundo entero esta lleno de gente "pila", "avispada", en pocas palabras gente que solo vive de aprovechar oportunidades, llamandole a esta actividad burda "trabajo"! y venezuela desgraciadamente no es la excepcion, pue que en cualquier pais hay gente asi! Buscando informacion del sistema de educacion superior llege a una pagina estilo periodico (poco original, hacer de las entradas de un blog, un "multiperiodico") El blog es puro criticar, leyendo las primeras lineas hay objetividad, pero los articulos intentan demostrar desde un "falso punto neutral" oposicionismo, pero ninguna solucion.. Es facil criticar, dificil es mejorar... aprende a ser gente, no chismosa! Los gerentes y "profesionales" en el mundo entero es lo que hacer, criticar y culpar, esperando que les solucionen los problemas, justo como el marco usuario-guindo, donde el usuario estupidamente espera que un "flamante" encorbatado, le solucione la ...

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Devuan project aims to made a complete Linux distribution, but the fact its that tracks 90% of the Debian work. This article are up to date to Aug 2021 with release of bullseye. Debian its the mother of most famous distros, including Devuan! But must be considering that Devuan are now more faster but more. so lest see some important thing respect the recently "/usr merge" and "systemd home invassion" incoming things in future: We have two parts, overall differences, and more deep technical differences, recommended for those that will be used more than only to see movies or browse the internet! Before read the complete article , i currently used Devuan as main system, but please take in consideration that almost all notes seems negative; why? well Devuan are more efficient rather than Debian .. but if we take the overall user vision.. Devuan will fail as complete solution .

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(ACTUALIZADO) la pagina fue reestablecida hay muchos cambios pero los usuarios no lo notaran, para verlos o informacion haz click aqui rusnies cambios y consejos para verlos 1) primer dia no se pudo hacer login, ni recuperando password! 2) segundo dia (mas abajo) al fin logeado! 3) para poder aunquesea ver tu planilla, pulsa aqui: planilla rusnies, soluciones algunas! 4)y aqui: tercer dia, algunos detalles arreglado, pero... todos los defectos son algo raros! -si no puedes entrar lee mas abajo, se explica porque y como acceder a tu cuenta en el R.U.N.E.S. -ojo quiero aclarar que un monton de inutiles no ingresaban bien la direccion y por ello no llegaban a ver nunca la pagina! porque ponian la "gov" en vez de "gob" ya que el pedazo de periodico no sabe escribir! 1) Primer dia del R.U.N.I.E.S. : (powered by apache+php+debian, pero estupidizado por los TSU y ingenieros informaticos graduados, que creen saber de programacion!) Cuan triste es ver m...

planilla de rusnies, algunas soluciones! principalmente para los que ya la hicieron!

(ACTUALIZADO) LEER PRIMERO ANTES DE COMENTAR POR FAVOR! la pagina del rusnies ya esta activa hay muchos cambios que los usuarios no notaran perro estan listados, para verlos haz clik aqui rusnies cambios un tip para los que ya la generaron! si conoces la URL de tu planilla (termina en letras mayusculas) puedes ingresarla directamente y obtendras la planilla! Los que tenga el gran Konqueror podran guardarla como si fuese un archivo cualquiera! el resto se les empotrara en los navegadores! pudiendo imprimirla pero no guardarla! esto se puede porque creo la peticion se hace directamente al php y este genera el postscript de la planilla! para los que no han generado su planilla pueden usar la chache de google y listo, como! hagan una busqueda del google para rusnies! pero no le den click al link, en la misma entrada esta unas letricas que dicen "en cache", si dan click ally podran entrar (funciona en la mayoria de los casos) Lo de la cahce sirve mas de noche, de di...

rusnies actualizada, nuevo php y apache actualizado!

AL parecer los ineptos tardaron mas de 5 dias normalizando una actualizacion de apache y php, aparte de ajustar configuraciones para evitar DOS y cuellos de botellas! ANALISIS PROFUNDO, algunos consejos Y ESPECTATIVAS POSITIVAS: Me complace felicitar a los "tecnicos" encargados ya que lograron reestablecer la normalidad en la web! (hasta ahora)! pero.... LAstimosamente las personas que hayan hecho la planilla deberan realizarla de nuevo CUIDADOSAMENTE,porque ineptamente los datos anteriores ahora no coordinaran! (eso era obvio de esperar!) debido a las actualizaciones que hicieron en los codigos fuentes relacionadas con la DB y los datos actuales! (los cuales estaban bien viejitos) LASTIMOSAMENTE TAMBIEN.. los datos se generan mal, deben tener cuidado y no imprimir a la ligera aunque esta informacion esta de mas pues cualquier persona con 4 dedos de frente revisa dos veces un evento tan importante como dicho registro! PARA LOS PROGRAMADORES les recomiendo lean el fina...

Venezuela Real : cuidado con basura mediatica

El miundo entero esta lleno de gente "pila", "avispada", en pocas palabras gente que solo vive de aprovechar oportunidades, llamandole a esta actividad burda "trabajo"! y venezuela desgraciadamente no es la excepcion, pue que en cualquier pais hay gente asi! Buscando informacion del sistema de educacion superior llege a una pagina estilo periodico (poco original, hacer de las entradas de un blog, un "multiperiodico") El blog es puro criticar, leyendo las primeras lineas hay objetividad, pero los articulos intentan demostrar desde un "falso punto neutral" oposicionismo, pero ninguna solucion.. Es facil criticar, dificil es mejorar... aprende a ser gente, no chismosa! Los gerentes y "profesionales" en el mundo entero es lo que hacer, criticar y culpar, esperando que les solucionen los problemas, justo como el marco usuario-guindo, donde el usuario estupidamente espera que un "flamante" encorbatado, le solucione la ...

Debian vs Devuan - the complete guide to choose

Devuan project aims to made a complete Linux distribution, but the fact its that tracks 90% of the Debian work. This article are up to date to Aug 2021 with release of bullseye. Debian its the mother of most famous distros, including Devuan! But must be considering that Devuan are now more faster but more. so lest see some important thing respect the recently "/usr merge" and "systemd home invassion" incoming things in future: We have two parts, overall differences, and more deep technical differences, recommended for those that will be used more than only to see movies or browse the internet! Before read the complete article , i currently used Devuan as main system, but please take in consideration that almost all notes seems negative; why? well Devuan are more efficient rather than Debian .. but if we take the overall user vision.. Devuan will fail as complete solution .